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Regulations for Assessment, Evaluation and Grading of Student Performance

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Regulations for Assessment, Evaluation and Grading of Student Performance

  • The evaluation of the performance of the student is based on the marks obtained in each module. Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) are calculated to determine their final awards at the end of their programme of study.
  • Modules are assessed through written examinations of a duration of 3 hours.
  • All modules are normally assessed over 100 marks, except for project/dissertation which will be assessed over 200 marks.
  • The overall pass mark for a module shall be 50%, subject to the students submitting their continuous assessment within set deadlines.
  • All modules must be passed in the examinations, coursework, and other forms of assessment.

The modules will be assessed as follows:

  • End semester examinations contributing to 70% of the total marks for theory and 60% for practicals
  • Continuous assessment including sessional exams carrying 30% of total marks for theory and 40% for practicals of total marks. Continuous assessment can be based on attendance, seminars and/or assignments and other activities.

In order to pass in a module, a minimum of 50% should be attained in:

  • Continuous assessment, and in
  • End semester examination
  • Scheme for awarding Continuous mode marks;

JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mauritius

  • Times :Mon - Fri: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM,
    Sat – 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM
  • Location :Droopnath Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauritius.
Criteria Maximum Marks
Attendance 4
Academic activities (Average of any 3 activities e.g. quiz, assignment, open book test, fieldwork, group discussion and seminar). For Practicals - Based on Practical Records, Regular viva voce, etc 3
Student–Teacher interaction 3
Total 10

Guidelines for the allotment of marks for attendance

Percentage of Attendance Marks
95 – 100 4
90 – 94 3
85 – 89 2
80 – 84 1
Less than 80

Scheme for internal assessments and end semester examinations

Subject Assessment End Semester Exams Total Marks
Continuous Mode Sessional Exams Total Marks Duration
Marks Duration
Theory 10 20 1 Hr 30 70 3 Hrs 100
Practical 10 30 4 Hrs 40 60 4 Hrs 100

Letter grades and grade points allocations:

Award classifications shall be based on the performance of each candidate inexaminations/coursework as determined by the Academic Council.

Based on the performances, each student shall be awarded a final letter grade at the end of the semester for each course as given below:

Undergraduate/ Postgraduate
Overall Marks Grade Remarks
90 ≤ X ≤ 100 O Outstanding
80 ≤ X < 90 A Excellent
70 ≤ X < 80 B Very Good
60 ≤ X < 70 C Good
50 ≤ X < 60 D Satisfactory
X < 50 F Failed

Grade Points equivalent to Percentage of marks and performances

Percentage of Marks Obtained Grade Point (G)
90.00 – 100 10
80.00 – 89.99 9
70.00 – 79.99 8
60.00 – 69.99 7
50.00 – 59.99 6
Less than 50 0
Absent 0

A learner who remains absent for any end semester examination shall be assigned a letter grade of AB and a corresponding grade point of zero. He/she should reappear for the said evaluation/examination in due course.

Calculation of Semester grade point average (SGPA)

The performance of a student in a semester is indicated by a number called ‘Semester Grade Point Average’ (SGPA). The SGPA is the weighted average of the grade points obtained in all the courses by the student during the semester. For example, if a student takes five courses (Theory/Practical) in a semester with credits C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5 and the student’s grade points in these courses are G1, G2, G3, G4 and G5,respectively, and then students’ SGPA is equal to:

                  C1G1 + C2G2 + C3G3 + C4G4+ C5G5
SGPA = ——————————————————
                  C1+ C2+ C3+ C4+ C5

The SGPA is calculated to two decimal points. It should be noted that, the SGPA for any semester shall take into consideration the F grade awarded in that semester. For example if a learner has a F grade in course 4, the SGPA shall then be computed as:

                C1G1 + C2G2 + C3G3 + C4 * ZERO + C5G5
SGPA = ———————————————————————–
               C1+ C2+ C3+ C4+ C5

Calculation of Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)

The CGPA is calculated with the SGPA of all the semesters to two decimal points and is indicated in final grade report card/final transcript showing the grades of all semesters and their courses. The CGPA shall reflect the failed status in case of F grade(s), till the course(s) is/are passed. When the course(s) is/are passed by obtaining a pass grade on subsequent examination(s) the CGPA shall only reflect the new grade and not the fail grades earned earlier. The CGPA is calculated as

                C1S1 + C2S2 + C3S3 + C4S4+ C5S5+C6S6 + C7S7 + CnGn
CGPA = ———————————————————————————————-
                C1+ C2+ C3+ C4+ C5+ C6+ C7+ …. + Cn

where C1, C2, Cn,…. is the total number of credits for semester I,II,…n, and S1,S2, Sn,….is the SGPA of each semester I,II,,,,n.