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Regulations for Maintenance of Discipline

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Regulations For Maintenance Of Discipline Among The Students

The rules/regulations governing maintenance of discipline amongst the students is enumerated below;

A. The Examining Body

  • The Academic Council shall establish a Disciplinary Committee (DC) to hear and determine cases arising out of alleged breaches of the JSSAHERM’s regulations.
  • The DC shall consist of a Chairperson and three other members.
  • The Chairperson will be appointed by the Academic Council.
  • The other members shall be appointed accordingly.
  • The Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee shall be the Registrar or his/her representative.
  • The Heads of Departments wherever practical or any other Academic Staff nominated by the Dean of Faculty;
  • The Head of Quality Assurance or his/her representative;
  • A representative appointed by the Student Union;
  • When a complaint has been lodged with the Disciplinary Committee against a student, the complainant shall not sit as a member of the Disciplinary Committee during the hearing of the case.
  • The recommendations of the Disciplinary Committee will be submitted to the Academic Council for approval.

JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mauritius

  • Times :Mon - Fri: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM,
    Sat – 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM
  • Location :Droopnath Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauritius.

B. Proceedings

  • The Committee shall consider cases referred to it by the Head of Faculty or any Heads of Units/Departments.
  • The Secretary of the DC, on receipt of a complaint, shall convene a pre-hearing session within a reasonable time with the Head of Faculty, Head of Quality Assurance, and the Registrar (or Representative) to determine the admissibility of the cases submitted. Cases that are not admissible are dismissed without any further action.
  • The Secretary shall send to the student required to appear before the Committee a written summons setting out the alleged offence. This summons shall be delivered to the student at least three working days before the meeting of the Committee, with a copy sent to the Head of Faculty. If the student fails to attend the hearing, the DC may proceed in his/her absence.
  • The student, against whom the complaint is made, may be accompanied to the DC by a person to assist him/her. The student shall inform the Secretary of his/her intention to do so, as well as the name of the person assisting him/her, at least two working days before the date of the meeting.
  • The DC shall deliberate in camera and send a formal report to the Academic Council with appropriate recommendations.
  • The DC shall recommend the actual penalty to be applied, considering the seriousness and recurrence of the offence.
  • The following penalties may be applied either separately or in combination by the DC:
  • Issue a warning or a severe written warning to the student depending on the seriousness of the offence.
  • To take the module where examination irregularity was found as a resit as and when the module is offered.
  • To reset all modules cleared in the current semester to a pass mark.
  • To reset all modules cleared in the current level to a pass mark.
  • Suspension from the JSSAHERM for a period to be determined by the DC, and repeat, without exemptions, the level in which the student was found guilty.
  • Expulsion from the JSSAHERM, hence terminating the student’s registration. Re-admission, if requested, shall be without exemptions.
  • Other than examination irregularities, offences of any other nature may entail penalties as may be recommended by the DC which is deemed reasonable.

C. Appeal

  • Any student who feels aggrieved by the decision of the Academic Council may appeal against that decision through the Office of the Registrar within 14 working days of the date on which the student was notified of that decision. A fee of MUR 5000 is payable while lodging the appeal. Such deposit will be refunded in case the Appeal is successful.
  • The Appeal will be considered by an Appeal Committee composed of:
  • A Chair, independent and outside JSSAHER, Mauritius, appointed by the President.
  • Two academic staffs appointed by the Head of Faculty who have not been involved in the case/s being considered.
  • A representative of the Registrar as Secretary.
  • The recommendations of the Appeal Committee upon approval of the Academic Council shall be final.

D. General Rules

  • Smoking and consumption of alcohol is strictly prohibited on the campus.
  • No unauthorized items like drugs and narcotics, lethal weapons, etc., are to be brought on the campus. Possession of any lethal weapons or instruments likely to cause physical harm to others is strictly prohibited.
  • Students are expected to behave in a mature and respectful manner, dress decently at all times, maintain discipline and decorum on the campus, treat all College staff and visitors with courtesy and respect, and act in a manner that does not bring the College into disrepute.
  • Students should not engage in quarrels or altercations with other students or College staff. Use of abusive and vulgar language is strictly forbidden. Any complaints received from staff or faculty regarding students will be taken seriously.
  • It is strictly forbidden to indulge in activities that cause or are likely to cause physical or psychological harm to any new student, raise apprehension, fear, shame, or embarrassment. This includes teasing, abusing, playing practical jokes on, or causing hurt to new students, or asking them to perform acts they would not willingly do.
  • Pasting of posters, writings, wall chalking, slogans of any kind, or defacing the campus buildings in any form is strictly prohibited.
  • Students should have the civic responsibility of keeping campus facilities, including classrooms, laboratories, washrooms, and common areas clean. Students who spread litter on the campus will be liable to disciplinary action by the College.
  • Parties and social gatherings on the campus are not permitted without prior written consent from the Management, while political gatherings are strictly prohibited.
  • Vandalism on the campus will not be tolerated. Students found guilty of causing damage to or loss of any property of the College will be required to make good such damage or loss to the satisfaction of the College or will be liable to disciplinary action.
  • In the case of a student whose behaviour or actions interrupt or impede the normal work of the College or whose conduct is deemed otherwise unsatisfactory, the College may suspend or preclude the student from further study or take other appropriate disciplinary actions.
  • Students are personally responsible for safeguarding their belongings. They are advised not to keep large amounts of cash or valuable items. The Management will not be responsible for the loss of any personal belongings of students.
  • Students are expected to maintain confidentiality where they have access to confidential information about JSSAHER, Mauritius.
  • No student may make statements to the press, radio, or television on behalf of the College without prior permission from the Management. Disciplinary actions will be taken against any student who makes declarations on behalf of the College without such permission. This is without prejudice to the individual's right of freedom of speech.
  • The following shall be held to be a breach of JSSAHERM’s discipline rendering a student liable to action:
  • Breaches of Criminal Law. These will invariably be reported to the police, but this in no way prejudices the right of JSSAHERM to institute its own disciplinary proceedings regardless of the outcome of the police reference.
  • Conduct which obstructs or interferes with teaching, research, and the administration of JSSAHERM.
  • Conduct which obstructs any member of JSSAHERM or an officer or employee from discharging his/her lawful duties.
  • Conduct prejudicial to JSSAHERM’s relations with the general public.
  • Failure to comply with any rules made to maintain the good order and efficiency of JSSAHERM, such as rules relating to the use of JSSAHERM’s facilities, parking of motor vehicles, security, care and tidiness of JSSAHERM’s grounds, and damage to JSSAHERM’s buildings and properties.
  • Improper and indecent language and unbecoming behavior, including harassment on or off JSSAHERM towards fellow students and other members of JSSAHERM.
  • Gross misconduct that may tarnish the image of JSSAHERM.
  • Breaches of the personal grooming standards established by JSSAHERM.

E. Moral Responsibilities towards Studies:

  • Students should comply with the requirements of their programme of study and contribute directly or indirectly to creating and maintaining an environment conducive to learning.
  • Students should inform the College of any change in circumstances that may affect their studies as soon as they occur and provide accurate information to enable the maintenance of proper records.
  • Students are expected to be active participants in the learning process and avail themselves of the texts prescribed in their syllabus.
  • Students should attend all timetabled classes within the course and properly prepare themselves for their classes.
  • Students are expected to arrive on time, switch off their mobile phones during lectures, complete all assignments on time, and seek to make lectures an enriching experience while respecting the rights of fellow students.
  • Students whose behaviour interferes with the satisfactory conduct of lectures may be required by a Faculty member to withdraw from a lecture, seminar, laboratory class, tutorial, tests, examinations, or other class.
  • Students should know the dates and times of assessments and examinations, attend the assessments and examinations, and not disturb other students during such assessments.
  • During work placements, students should follow the study and assessment requirements of the placement organization.