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Regulations for Conduct of Examinations

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Regulations for Conduct of Examinations

The regulations for the conduct of the examinations and other forms of assessment are provided below:

A. The Examining Body

  • The conduct of examinations shall be under the control of the Academic Council;
  • Examiners and assessors shall be appointed by the Academic Council upon the recommendation of the Dean of Faculty;
  • Dates, venue and times for examinations as specified in the examinations time tables shall be published under the authority of the Academic Council.

B. Examinations

  • Examinations shall normally take place at the end of the Semester and/or at the end of the level or as defined in the Regulations applicable to the programme of study.
  • Award classifications shall be based on the performance of each candidate in examinations/coursework as determined by the Academic Council.

C. The Chief Examination Officer

  • The Registrar shall be the Chief Examination Officer for all Examinations supported by The Controller of Examinations and shall be responsible for the organisation of the Examinations and the release of results once they have been approved by the Academic Council;
  • The Registrar shall ensure that provisional and final examination time-tables are communicated to all students and are posted on the website of the JSSAHER, Mauritius
  • Representations from students regarding matters related to examinations should be made to the Registrar.

JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mauritius

  • Times :Mon - Fri: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM,
    Sat – 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM
  • Location :Droopnath Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauritius.

D. Examiners

  • The examiners in any module shall normally be the person who taught the module, where applicable;
  • The Vice-Chancellor / CEO, in consultation with Academic Council, may appoint examiners for any module;
  • Moderators/External examiners shall be appointed by the Academic Council in the manner it shall prescribe and includes;
  • The Moderator/ external examiner should not be working for JSS AHER, Mauritius and JSS AHER, Mysuru
  • The Moderator/ external examiner should have at least 5 years of relevant academic /industry / practice experience
  • The Moderator/ external examiner should be recommended by the Dean and approved by the Controller of Examinations.
  • Examination papers shall be agreed upon with the moderator where appropriate;
  • In case of serious divergence of opinion between the moderator and the internal examiner, the Board of Examiners shall make the final recommendation to Board of Studies;
  • The examiners will be appointed for a period of three years and must not be affiliated to JSSAHER, Mysore or to JSSAHERM.

E. Board of Examiners

  •   There shall be a Board of Examiners for all examinations;
  •   The Board of Examiners shall comprise:
  • The Dean of Faculty (chairperson)
  • The Programme Coordinator
  • Internal Examiners and Moderators where appropriate.
  • Any co-opted member

F. Admission to Examinations

  •   Examinations can be written, oral and practical.
  •   The Examiners may require a student to present himself for viva voce questioning, in addition to the written and practical examinations as prescribed by the Scheme of Study and approved by the Academic Council.

G. Forms of Examinations

  •   No student shall be admitted to an examination unless it is certified on the Examination Entry Form that he/she has regularly attended and completed the prescribed programmes of study and duly performed the work of the appropriate class or classes and there is evidence of no outstanding payment to the JSSAHER, Mauritius;
  •   A student who does not submit his/her Examination Entry Form to the Registrar through the Deans of Department duly filled in and signed, by a specified date, shall not be admitted to the examinations;

H. Before the Examination

  •   Before the examinations, all students shall be sensitised on:
  • Regulations for the Conduct of Examinations
  • Examination Irregularities and their implications
  • Penalties if found guilty of breaching examination regulations.
  •   Prior to the examinations, it is recommended that the attendants check the toilet facilities to ensure that written materials are not hidden;
  •   Students shall be responsible for noting correctly the times and places of their examinations. No special arrangements shall be made for the student who fails to attend for examination at the proper time
  •   Students should be in the examination room at least 15 minutes before the start of the examination to enable them to take their allocated seats;
  •   All unauthorised personal belongings are to be left in front of the classroom at the Chief Invigilator/Invigilator’s desk;
  •  Students should be reminded by the Chief Invigilator to ensure that there are no unauthorised materials in their possession;
  •   If the use of pocket calculators in an examination is authorised, such calculators shall be checked by the invigilator and shall be silent. Programmable calculators should not be allowed unless authorised.

I. Conduct of Examinations

  •  All examinations shall be conducted as per the dates, venue, and times specified in the examination timetables published under the authority of the Academic Council.
  •  Candidates shall produce their identity at any time if required by an invigilator. If not complied, they will not be permitted to sit in the examination.
  •  Except in an emergency, a candidate may not leave the examination room until half an hour before the official ending time of the examination.
  •  A candidate who arrives at an examination room half an hour after the examination has begun shall not be admitted.
  •  A candidate who is admitted to an examination after the official starting time shall not be granted any additional time to complete the examination.
  •  No book or paper of any kind may be taken into the examination room unless it has been duly authorised by the examiners for use in the examination. Unauthorised materials or information must not be introduced into the examination room by any means whatsoever.
  •  No communication devices may be taken into the examination room.
  •  Answers to questions must be written legibly in dark/blue or black ink, except when there are other instructions.
  •  No answer book or supplementary sheet may be taken out of the examination room. A candidate in possession of any answer book or supplementary sheet shall be liable to severe disciplinary action.
  •  Neither food nor drinks are allowed in the examination room.
  •  Candidates must not communicate with anyone except the invigilator during the examination.

J. Absence from Examinations

  •  If a student is absent from an examination without compelling reasons, he shall be deemed to have failed his examinations.
  •  Absence due to illness, supported by a medical certificate issued by a State Medical Practitioner, should be immediately notified in writing to the Registrar by the student concerned. The medical certificate should be received by the Registrar’s office within 2 working days from the date of the examination.
  •  If a student who has completed the scheme of study has been prevented from taking the whole or some part of an examination and has presented evidence of illness supported by a medical certificate issued by a State Medical Practitioner, or other cause accepted by the Registrar as constituting sufficient reason for being absent from the examination, the Academic Council may, on the recommendation of the Board of Studies, permit the student to take a special examination.

K. Examination Irregularities

  •  Where a student is caught indulging in malpractice by the Invigilator/Chief Invigilator, the latter will have to make a written statement of facts, which has to be signed by both parties.
  •  Where the Chief Invigilator notices any case of examination irregularity, he/she shall immediately report the facts, in writing, through the Dean of Faculty to the Registrar, who shall refer the matter to the Chairperson of the Disciplinary Committee of the Academic Council.
  •  The student in question shall be notified by the Registrar, in writing, of the charges against him.
  •  Pending the decision of the Disciplinary Committee, the student will be allowed to write any remaining examinations. The decision to assess or not the student’s scripts shall be taken in the light of the findings of the Disciplinary Committee.
  •  Cases of examination irregularities being probed by the Disciplinary Committee shall be notified by the Registrar to the Chairperson of the Board of Examiners concerned, so that the marks/results of the candidate involved are not processed until notified by the Academic Council.
  •  A student can appeal to the Academic Council through the Registrar against a decision of the Disciplinary Committee.

L. Publication of Results

  •  Official notification of the final examination results as confirmed by the Academic Council shall be posted on the notice boards and shall be sent to each student by the Registrar.
  •  Official final results of examination as approved by the Academic Council are hosted on the website of the JSSAHER, Mauritius.

M. Review/Revaluation of Examination Results

Application for review of examination results should be lodged in writing to the Chair of Department within 1 week from the date of issue of transcripts of examination results. A fee is payable for each module to be revaluated and is non-refundable in case the results are maintained. The full fee is refunded in case marks have increased. A copy of the receipt confirming payment of the examination review fee should be attached to the application letter for review of examination result upon its submission to the Chair of Department’s office.